October 23, 2012


The next sentence sums up my life lately. Dozer is a HANDFUL
We have had to constantly make sure he doesn't bite everything (his favs include our Crate 
& Barrel couches and entertainment center, my MacBook plug, and our West Elm rug) 
Doesn't he know how expensive these things are?! 

I have been trying to take photos of the little guy while he's a pup because I know they grow up fast. 
It is sooooo hard to get him to stop moving!
Here are some of his 11 week old pics that I was able to capture:


  1. What a cutie! I have a frenchie too!

  2. I love him! Gosh I wish my husband wasnt a tight wad when it comes to animals!!

    1. trust me, it took a lot of convincing. but now he loves him so much!

  3. Your dog is so cute!!! My daughter is dying for one but I am unsure because as is I am a crazy woman running around with my two girls, I don't know how I can take care of the puppy. Christmas is coming so we'll see. Wanted to ask if you could share what you are wearing on your lips on the second pic of your webstagram next to your puppy. You look so beautiful and I would love a lip color like that for the holidays!

    1. This is my first puppy so I wasn't sure how it would be but it is ALOT of work! I have been exhausted for the last month that we have had him. I am wearing Laura Mercier 'Baby Lips'!


i'd love to hear what you think! xo